Talks and presentations

See a map of all the places I've given a talk!

Tools and tenets for ML and Python

March 25, 2021

Informal, University of Sussex - Predictive Analytics Lab,

Along with my colleagues Myles Bartlett and Thomas Kehrenberg, I gave a talk about the tools and philoshophies we use on a daily basis.

Introduction to Fair Machine Learning

August 01, 2020

Summer School, Ukranian Catholic University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine

I gave a talk on the topic of Algorithmic Fairness to students at the Lviv Machine Learning Summer School.

Does Fairness Come with a Cost?

November 19, 2019

Conference presentation, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada

I was asked to give a talk on Algorithmic Fairness at the Fields Institue in Toronto at the Data Science an Optimization Conference.

Introduction to Fair Machine Learning

August 20, 2019

Summer School, University of Sussex, Data Intensive Science Centre, Brighton, UK

I presented on Algorithmic Fairness at the Data Intensive Sciences Centre at the University of Sussex Summer School as part of a workstream on transparency and ethical use of data.